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THC Oil Cartridge Possession

For many years, the primary way to use cannabis was via a pipe, or rolling it into a blunt or joint and smoking it. Recently though, users have been using vaporizers to deliver a more concentrated version of cannabis into their bodies than would be possible with smoking.

While laws and regulations on cannabis use are changing around the country, the use of THC oil can bring more serious criminal penalties with it. THC oil is classified as a Schedule I narcotic that can lead to up to 5 years in prison and a third-degree felony. For reference, possession of natural cannabis carries only misdemeanor penalties which can include up to 12 months in jail and a $1,000 fine if the amount is less than 20 grams.

Other Penalties

The penalties for THC oil cartridge possession can range from simple probation with substance abuse treatment to incarceration. Certain areas throughout Florida also offer drug court programs which can assist offenders in avoiding conviction or prison time.

Conviction of THC oil cartridge possession can lead to other non-criminal related consequences like driver’s license suspension as well. If you are a non-United States citizen, possession of THC oil will result in being placed in removal proceedings from the country.

Finding an Attorney

If you’ve been arrested for possession of a THC oil cartridge or other drug-related charge in or around The Villages, contact the BCN Law Firm today. It is always best to have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side when something like this happens, and our team can help you through the entire process. Your attorney will analyze all aspects of your particular case and will create a course of action that will benefit you the most.

Call us today at (352) 775-4739 to schedule your consultation.